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Image by Jason Goodman

Sustainability Circle is a politically independent think tank started by industry in 2010. Nowadays, knowledge companies, universities, hospitals, public administrations also participate in the work. The mission is to develop a mindset for industrially sustainable development, strengthen our members' competitiveness and accelerate positive development.  



Created: 2019-09-02.  Last updated: 2020-10-21













Our time is characterized by a number of challenges for our businesses. Probably the most important are:


Activities with a focus on innovation, long-term thinking and life cycle thinking are  one  response to these challenges.

There are many indications that the companies that are the fastest acquire significant, perhaps impregnable, competitive advantages. This applies, not least, to production which at every opportunity must be as "smart" as possible.  (See Article 3:  A smart industry - getting it done without being there) .

The maintenance function has knowledge of what lasts, what does not last and what makes the difference. The maintenance function thus has a natural relation to the work with industrial sustainability. An estimated 100  000 Swedes, of which 10  000 managers, work with maintenance and are thus already financed. The manifesto shows how these can do even greater good.  (See Article 4:  Double Loop Learning - from what, via why, to why not)

The manifesto is brief. The thoughts  behind  the manifesto is deepened in independent articles (see references) and in the form of cases from our members. 

The manifesto, as well as the articles, are subject to constant development. Thoughts and ideas are added continuously based on the work in the Sustainability Circle.  



This manifesto recommends the following:

1. Determine  upcycling  as a method for industrially sustainable development. 

(See article  5:  Upcycling - from hobby to technical sustainability)

2. Establish the traditional  the responsibility of the maintenance function  to realize one  zero vision  regarding breakdowns .  Manifest this by using the term  Smart Maintenance .  (See article  6:  A smart industry requires Smart Maintenance).


3. Develop data-driven  decision support system  which, with the help of techno-markers, enables support for prediction, causal analysis and prescription regarding measures.  (See article  7:  Artificial intelligence - master, slave or colleague?)


4. Organize  operations so that Smart Maintenance can easily collaborate  with operations, R&D / construction, purchasing, finance, HRM and IT. An improved internal integration.  (See article  8:  From hierarchy to adhocracy)

5. Develop the relationship with external suppliers of Smart Maintenance to enable a stronger  external integration .  (See article  9:  External integration).

6. Educate  employees in Smart maintenance in (a) digital technology, (b) finance and (c) soft skills / change leadership.  Develop one  leadership  which focuses on lifelong learning.  (See article  10:  From specialist to T-competent.  See article  11:  From boss to leader.  See article  12:  Economics - the only common language. See Article 16: Recruiting the next generation)

7. Develop cooperation between business, researchers and higher education .  (See Article 13: Collaborating on knowledge development.)

8. Highlight technology  and the engineering profession  as methods for realizing sustainable development in the world.  (See Article 14:  To launch Smart Maintenance) .


9. Secure  a high-quality maintenance  as a basis for the development of Smart Maintenance. 

(See Article 15:  The basis is a high-quality maintenance - what is it?)

Almost eleven years of intensive thinking from hundreds of qualified engineers and technicians in a number of companies is difficult to sum up for those of you who have not been on the entire journey.

Our manifesto is an attempt to do so anyway. Our manifesto can be found on an A4 page. If you want to know more, the reasoning is deepened in our 17 articles to which there is a reference in the manifesto. Nice reading!

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